Pursuant to the provisions set forth in the General Data Protection Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2016/679) and Organic Act 3/2018 of 5 December on Personal Data Protection and the Safeguarding of Digital Rights, CITOGEN, S.L.U. hereby informs users of the website of the following:

Who is your data’s data controller?

The data that the user provides us with through this website’s forms will be included for processing, the data controller of which is CITOGEN, S.L.U. with VAT Reg. No. B50600188 and address of the purpose of serving notice at Avenida Diagonal Plaza 40, 50197 Zaragoza, Spain.

You may contact the data controller by calling +34 976 320 849 or sending an e-mail to

Who is the Data Protection Officer?

CITOGEN, S.L.U. has appointed EXPLOTACIÓN DE SOFTWARE INTEGRAL, S.L. as its Data Protection Officer (DPO). You can contact our DPO by sending an e-mail to, stating “CITOGEN, S.L.U.” in the subject along with the reason for your query or request.

Why do we collect your data and what are the legal grounds for processing your data?

Personal data is collected on this website through different forms. The data requested in each from is the data needed for the purpose for which it is collected. The grounds for processing are as follows:


To answer any queries broached and send the user the information requested to the e-mail address or telephone number indicated on the form The user’s consent
Send information and news on our company if the user has authorised it The user’s consent


Process purchases made by the user Performance of an agreement
Internal client-company management It is CITOGEN, S.L.U.’s legal obligation to meet its fiscal and tax obligations
Our company’s administrative management Performance of an agreement
Billing requested services, if any It is CITOGEN, S.L.U.’s legal obligation to meet its fiscal and tax obligations
Research and statistical population study purposes Consent
Send marketing information Consent


If the user gets in touch through the e-mail address published on this website page, their data will be processed to answer any queries broached and send the information requested to the e-mail address through which the query was received. It is in our company’s legitimate interest to respond to any communications it receives

What data category do we process?

The data collected refers to the identification data category, including, but not limited to: TIN or National ID Card number, name and surnames, telephone number, postal address, company, e-mail address and personal data, such as date of birth and financial data like credit or debit card numbers.

Do we process sensitive data?

In order to provide the service requested, CITOGEN, S.L.U. may process health data, which is legitimate due to the user’s consent. Furthermore, if you have authorised it, you may be contacted to collect more clinical data for the sole purpose of enabling CITOGEN, S.L.U. to issue optimal results.

How long do we keep your data?


If you make a purchase, the personal data provided will be kept for as long as the business relationship is maintained or until the data subject requests its erasure. Once the business relationship has ended, the data will be kept for as long as necessary to fulfil legal obligations. Your data will be erased once the responsibilities arising from said legal obligations have expired.

Any personal data needed to send marketing communications, if you have authorised them, will be kept as long as you do not request its erasure.


The data collected through the contact form will be kept until the user requests its elimination.

Do we perform profiling with your data?

No automated decision-making will be done nor will profiling be performed.

To whom do we transfer your data?

No data transfers or international data transfers are foreseen of your data, aside from those authorised by tax, business and telecommunications legislation, as well as in any cases where a court authority requires us to do so.

CITOGEN, S.L.U. may share personal data with external companies that provide services to CITOGEN, S.L.U. A confidentiality agreement is entered into with all these companies to ensure personal data is used in accordance with the requirements of the Data Protection regulations that are in force. These companies may include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Tax and Accountancy Consulting Firms.
  • IT Companies.

Your data may be sent to one or several medical laboratories should contracting the services make it essential or unavoidable to perform the service that has been contracted

In addition, CITOGEN, S.L.U. may share personal data with external companies that are data controllers in order to be able to properly perform its activity. These companies may include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Haulage companies

What third parties provide services on this website?

The following service providers are used for this website’s development:

Hosting: CDmon. Uses secure protocols to ensure data communications are routed through an encrypted channel.

Newsletter: We inform you that our newsletter is sent through the MAILCHIMP tool, whose servers are housed in USA. MailChimp complies with and processes data in accordance with the standard data protection clauses approved by the European Commission.

What rights are you entitled to and how can you exercise them?

The User is entitled to access their personal data, to request the rectification of any such data that is inaccurate, as well as its  elimination where, among other reasons, it is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was collected. In certain circumstances, the User may also request limitation to the data’s processing —in which case it will solely be kept to exercise or defend claims— as well as to request their data’s portability. You may object to the processing of said data due to reasons related to your particular situation and CITOGEN, S.L.U. will cease processing it, save where there are compelling legitimate grounds thereof or to exercise or defend any possible claims.

The data subject may from time to time withdraw any consents they may have granted. The data subject may exercise their rights by sending an e-mail to or at the offices located at Camino del Pilón, 86, Casa 5-7, Local, 50011 Zaragoza, attaching a photocopy of their national ID card thereto and stating the right they wish to exercise. You may also file a complaint to the Spanish Data Protection Agency.

What security measures have we implemented?

As part of our commitment to ensuring your personal data’s security and confidentiality, we inform you that technical and organisational measures have been implemented to ensure the security of personal data and to avoid its alteration, loss, or unauthorised processing or access, taking into account state-of-the-art technology, the nature of the stored data and the risks it exposed to in accordance with Article 32 of the GDPR EU 679/2016.

How do our social media work?

You may share our contents and post comments, photos or videos on our social media, provided they are of interest to the entire community.

Our social media are constantly monitored to deal with your questions and comments as soon as possible.

We want them to be a space that is enjoyed by all, which is why it is important we all abide by some rules of coexistence, such as the following:

  1. You are responsible for the contents you post. Do not breach any rights, law or regulation.
  2. Be careful with the wording and tone. Avoid posting any abusive, defamatory or obscene information.
  3. Respect the right to privacy. Do not make any illicit, offensive or discriminatory comments about third parties.
  4. Avoid fraudulent, misleading or deceptive comments.
  5. We do not allow spam or any marketing or advertising messages, nor do we want repetitive messages.
  6. We will not engage in conversations with any profiles we may consider as fake.

Please take into account that the contents posted by our pages’ followers do not necessarily reflect our company’s point of view.

If your comments do not abide by the “House Rules”, they may be deleted, hidden or blocked. Anybody who posts forbidden contents will be banned from the community.

We reserve the right to amend these rules from time to time without any prior notice.